Financial distress can affect anyone. When it does, understanding bankruptcy is often very helpful. Understanding common misconceptions surrounding bankruptcy is also important. If you’re consid..
READ MOREIf you are drowning in debt and feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone. Financial difficulties can strike when you least expect them, whether due to job loss, medical bills, divorce, or other life cha..
READ MOREBankruptcy Lawyer Fees Are Less Than Expected It is a common misconception that hiring a law firm must be expensive. On the contrary, Debt Advisors, has the perfect balance of experience and affordabi..
READ MOREWhich Generation Is More In Debt? The number of older Americans filing bankruptcy is growing. Of all generations, Gen X represents the most vulnerable generation. Many Gen X’s are facing more fi..
READ MOREThe problem with student loans is that they align with the rising cost of education. Because college tuition has increased three-fold in the past forty years, student loans have as well. According to ..
READ MOREBankruptcy Is The Solution For Debt Bankruptcy is the solution to serious debt problems that you’ve already been facing. We all make mistakes in life but filing bankruptcy in isn’t one of them. ..
READ MOREWe have all seen that economic indicators can quickly change from a strong and thriving economy to a struggling nation. During a recession, there are more bankruptcy cases. However, a thriving economy..
READ MOREBankruptcy is a tool that helps solve serious debt problems. It’s designed for those who are drowning in excessive debt. If you have never been in this position, it may be difficult to see the true ..
READ MOREWhat Causes People To File Personal Bankruptcy? One myth is that people who file bankruptcy are irresponsible. This is usually far from the truth. There are challenging life situations that literally ..
READ MOREHearing advertisements on the radio or seeing TV commercials that make big promises for your financial situation can be seductive. Google, “financial help,” and instantly be pulled into an adver..