Sue A Creditor Or Debt Collector

When bill collectors get out of line and break the law, don’t pay them. Instead, take legal action and sue them. A creditor harassment lawyer at Debt Advisors will determine whether or not you may have a case. If there is evidence to sue a creditor, then we pursue that case for you. There are many positive things that come from taking a “law-breaking” creditor to court. However, proving that a law has been broken is a challenge. It is recommended to hire a bankruptcy attorney to represent your case. Here’s what you need to know:

  • You have the right to sue any creditor if they have committed illegal actions according to the FDCPA
  • File for damages by suing the creditor for monetary compensation
  • Damages can equate to many thousands of dollars based on statute, claim, and violation details
  • Court costs, including attorney fees, will be covered in the settlement
  • You only pay when we win your case

Make A Creditor Pay You

At Debt Advisors, we make debt collectors pay you! When a collection agency has violated the laws of the FDCPA, their actions are likely to have a negative impact on your life. The result of their illegal actions may have caused you tangible harm, as well as physical harm such as lack of sleep, stress, and anxiety. When we are successful in proving a case like this, compensation for damages are awarded. The payout can be big, and well worth your time and effort. (Up to $1,000 per each violation)

  • Banks
  • Bill Collectors
  • Collection Agencies
  • Consumer Debt Recovery Services
  • Small Debt Collections
  • Credit Card Companies

Harassment Tactics By Bill Collectors

Some collection tactics include asking you for money, even after a bankruptcy “automatic stay” is in place. This is against the law. There are key laws designed to protect consumers– to protect you. Every consumer has the right to sue a debt collector or collection agency for violating one of these laws. A persistent bill collector is a pain. One that acts unlawfully is unacceptable. Until you are harassed by a debt collector, you may not realize that they get out of hand as often as they do. In the process of debt collection, there are strict legal and ethical guidelines that must be followed.  When the collection agency crosses the line, it’s your chance to take legal action against them. We hope to educate people about how to recognize illegal actions by creditors, as well as what your legal rights are as a consumer.

What You Should Know About Debt Recovery

Debt can and will follow you if it’s not paid or somehow resolved. Once you’re dealing with persistent collection attempts, there are risks involved that you may not be aware of. A creditor or debt collector can sue you if attempts to recover debt have been unsuccessful. If a creditor wins a judgment against you, they can garnish wages and prevent you from owning or purchasing real estate. We have heard of Banks repossessing vehicles… even after payments were brought up to date. When debt collectors call, leave messages, or mail material, keeping a log of these activities is helpful. Further protect yourself and prevent creditors from taking your property or wages. Consider filing bankruptcy to stop legal actions against you. When bankruptcy isn’t the best fit, there are other options. At any stage of the collection process, seek legal advice. When Debt Advisors takes on a case, then we’re certain that we help.

Case Evaluation Reveals Best Options

A Debt Advisors credit harassment lawyer is happy to provide a free, no obligation, harassment case evaluation.  During this initial contact, you’ll get a handle on what your best options are and what steps to take first. For example, our law firm has experience handling debt collector cases and submitting complaints with the CFPB.  (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.) We help determine when to sue a creditor and what kind of resolve or monetary settlement a lawsuit may bring. Remember, if you decide to hire Debt Advisors to sue the collection agency, there are no upfront fees to worry about.  After your case is settled, these costs will be taken care of.  Ultimately, you end up with cash in your pocket for all the trouble. Whether you sue the creditor or file bankruptcy, or both, a case evaluation will reveal the best options. The sooner we’re contacted for a free consultation, the quicker we can build your case.

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