Partner/Owner at Debt Advisors Law Offices

Practice Areas: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Stop Foreclosure

If you are drowning in debt and feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone. Financial difficulties can strike when you least expect them, whether due to job loss, medical bills, divorce, or other life challenges. Fortunately, Milwaukee residents have a powerful tool at their disposal—bankruptcy.

Filing for bankruptcy might help you get the fresh start you need and put you on the path to financial recovery. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are the most common forms of personal bankruptcy, and they can eliminate many types of debt and stop creditor harassment.

The experienced Milwaukee bankruptcy lawyers at Debt Advisors can determine the best option for your situation and help you process and get help through the processes associated with your case. Filing for bankruptcy can protect your assets and aid you in rebuilding credit over time, so you achieve lasting financial stability.

Understanding Bankruptcy Options

Two main types of personal bankruptcy are available under U.S. law—Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The table below summarizes the key differences:

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Liquidation bankruptcy Reorganization bankruptcy
Eliminates unsecured debts This can help you catch up on secured debts
It takes 4-6 months to complete The repayment plan lasts 3-5 years
Must pass a means test to qualify Allows higher income earners to file

A knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can review your finances and recommend the best option for your circumstances. They will ensure you meet all eligibility requirements and guide you through filing.

Asking the Right Question

Asking the Right Question

Q: Will filing for bankruptcy eliminate all my debts?

A: Bankruptcy can eliminate many types of unsecured debts, including —but not limited to:

  • Medical invoices and receipts
  • Credit card balances
  • Personal loans 

Certain debts cannot be discharged through bankruptcy, including: 

  • Student loans
  • Tax debts
  • Child support arrears 

A knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can review your specific debts and advise you on which ones may be eligible for discharge. They can also explore other options for non-dischargeable debts, such as repayment plans or debt negotiation. 

A skilled bankruptcy lawyer can create a comprehensive strategy that addresses all your financial obligations and sets you up for long-term financial success.

Benefits of Bankruptcy

While it is a crucial decision, bankruptcy offers powerful benefits and protections, including:

  1. Automatic Stay: Immediately upon filing, an automatic stay takes effect, preventing creditors from contacting you, garnishing your wages, or proceeding with foreclosure or repossession actions. 
  2. Debt DischargeChapter 7 can wipe out most of your unsecured debts, including credit card balances, medical bills, and personal loans. Chapter 13 can eliminate unsecured debt balances after completing your repayment plan.
  3. Property Exemptions: Wisconsin has generous bankruptcy exemptions allowing you to keep your home, vehicle, retirement accounts, and other essential assets. Your lawyer will help you maximize these protections.
  4. Financial Education: Bankruptcy law requires you to complete credit counseling and fiscal management courses. These empower you with crucial knowledge and skills to build healthier financial habits.

Life After Bankruptcy

Life After Bankruptcy

A common fear is that bankruptcy will ruin your credit forever. While it will initially lower your credit score, this impact is temporary. As bankruptcy helps wipe the slate clean, many see their credit scores recover to the 600s within 2-3 years. 

You can start rebuilding your credit immediately by taking these five steps:

  • Paying off any outstanding debts on schedule: Ensuring timely payments is crucial in reestablishing your creditworthiness.
  • Obtaining a secured credit card and using it responsibly: This type of credit card is backed by a deposit you make upfront and is often used to build credit.
  • Becoming an authorized user on a credit card owned by a trustworthy individual: This can help boost your credit score by associating you with an account that has a good payment history.
  • Reporting your rent payments to credit bureaus—If your landlord doesn’t automatically report them, you can use a rent reporting service to ensure they contribute to your credit score.
  • Monitoring your credit reports regularly for inaccuracies—Keeping an eye on your credit reports helps you spot and rectify any errors promptly, which can improve your credit score.

With proper planning and responsible habits, people who file for bankruptcy can achieve significant milestones like qualifying for a mortgage in as little as 1-4 years. Your lawyer can provide additional strategies tailored to your goals.

Common Myths About Bankruptcy

Despite the many benefits of bankruptcy, misconceptions persist that prevent people from seeking help from a debt advisor. Let us dispel some of the most common myths:

Myth 1: Declaring bankruptcy implies that you are a failure.

Reality: Filing for bankruptcy is a legal instrument meant to assist people in overcoming financial challenges. It is a responsible step that requires courage and initiative-taking planning.

Myth 2: You will lose everything you own if you file for bankruptcy.

Reality: Minnesota and Wisconsin’s exemption laws allow you to protect essential assets like your home, car, and retirement accounts. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you maximize these exemptions.

Myth 3: Bankruptcy permanently ruins your credit.

Reality: While bankruptcy initially impacts your credit, the effect is temporary. Many individuals can rebuild their credit within 2-3 years post-bankruptcy.

Myth 4: It is better to keep struggling with debt than file for bankruptcy.

Reality: Continuing to struggle with unmanageable debt often leads to worsening financial problems, such as mounting interest, wage garnishment, and lawsuits. Bankruptcy can provide relief and a faster path to economic recovery.

Bankruptcy and Your Emotions

The decision that you make to file for bankruptcy is always challenging. It is expected to experience various emotions, such as shame, fear, and uncertainty. However, it is crucial to remember that bankruptcy is a tool, not a moral failing.

Many people struggle with debt due to circumstances beyond their control, like:

  • Medical emergencies
  • Job loss
  • Predatory lending. 

Bankruptcy provides a safety net and a second chance. Throughout this process, it’s important to be kind to yourself and maintain focus on rebuilding for the future. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and do not hesitate to seek counseling if you need extra support. 

Remember, this is a temporary challenge that you will overcome. Your bankruptcy lawyer can also provide guidance and perspective. They have helped countless clients through similar situations and can offer reassurance and practical advice for managing the emotional aspects of bankruptcy.

As you navigate this journey, keep your eye on the goal: a fresh start and a path to lasting financial stability. With the right mindset and support, you can emerge from bankruptcy with renewed confidence and hope for the future.

Finding the Right Milwaukee Bankruptcy Lawyer

Finding the Right Milwaukee Bankruptcy Lawyer

Choosing the right bankruptcy attorney is vital to the success of your case. Look for a lawyer who:

  • Specializes in consumer bankruptcy law
  • Has experience with cases like yours
  • It takes time to understand your unique challenges
  • Clearly explain your options and the process
  • Offers compassionate, non-judgmental counsel
  • Is attentive and responsive to your questions and concerns

Many firms, including Debt Advisors, offer free initial consultations. Take advantage of these to meet potential attorneys and find the best fit before deciding.

The Road to Resolution

If you are ready to discharge debt, a skilled Milwaukee bankruptcy lawyer can help you through the process. While it may feel daunting, bankruptcy is a chance to conquer your financial difficulties and build a brighter future.

You have taken the first step by researching your options. Now is the time to act.

With expert legal guidance and personalized support, you can confidently navigate the bankruptcy process and secure the fresh financial start you deserve.

Contact Debt Advisors Today: Ease Bankruptcy Pains

At Debt Advisors, we understand the challenges you are facing. Our compassionate team of Milwaukee bankruptcy attorneys has helped thousands of clients find relief and forge a path to financial freedom. We will work tirelessly to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Take control of your financial future today. Complete our online contact form to schedule your free, confidential consultation. Together, we can help you turn the page on debt and start drafting your financial success story.

Learn about bankruptcy protections, types of bankruptcy, how to get started, what to expect, and who to trust. Filing bankruptcy is the ONLY way to completely eliminate debt. If bankruptcy is right for you, it offers powerful protections that cannot be achieved through alternative solutions such as hardship relief, loans, or debt settlement.

  • Exceptional service. The entire team was friendly and knowledgeable. The attorney took his time to walk me through step by step. I will recommend this law office to anyone!

    J Burks

  • I went through Debt Advisors as a referral by a friend. I am very happy I did so. The staff that I worked with were very helpful and showed a high level of professionalism. They were always able to answer any questions that I had. I was very happy with the attorney that I worked with, Michael Georg. Very professional.

    Terri Grote

  • Attorney Chad Schomburg and Debt Advisors helped me with my debt about three years ago. Chad explained the process to me and answered any questions I had, and the assistants compiled my documentation very efficiently while keeping my case moving forward. They were always available when I needed them, and even years later, I’m able to reach out to them, and they are willing to help. They have turned my life around 100%, and I could not have done it without them! Absolutely recommended!

    Tim Harris

  • They were there for my family from day 1 until the end, 5 years later (Ch. 13). Whenever I had questions or concerns they were always very responsive and gave me excellent advice. Michael and Jeremy are both exceptional bankruptcy attorneys. I highly recommend Debt Advisors.


  • After I had to go on disability, I used my credit cards a lot more thinking I could pay them off when I was able to go back to work. That didn’t happen and I found myself so much worse off than I could handle. I went to Debt Advisors feeling terrible about what I had to do. Chad and everyone there were very understanding and put my mind at ease while taking such great care of me. They were there every step of the way and supported me when I was “freaking out”!! Every time I needed to contact them; their response time was amazing!! God forbid I ever need to go through this again, but I know where to turn if I need help! Debt Advisors are more than just filing bankruptcy on my behalf. They really care about what you are going through!! Thank you, Chad, Jeremy, Mike, and everyone at Debt Advisors!! I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate all of you!! J Hammond


  • After I had to go on disability, I used my credit cards a lot more thinking I could pay them off when I was able to go back to work. That didn’t happen and I found myself so much worse off than I could handle. I went to Debt Advisors feeling terrible about what I had to do. Chad and everyone there were very understanding and put my mind at ease while taking such great care of me. They were there every step of the way and supported me when I was “freaking out”!! Every time I needed to contact them; their response time was amazing!! God forbid I ever need to go through this again, but I know where to turn if I need help! Debt Advisors are more than just filing bankruptcy on my behalf. They really care about what you are going through!! Thank you, Chad, Jeremy, Mike, and everyone at Debt Advisors!! I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate all of you!! J Hammond

    J Hammond

  • Chad Schomburg and his Staff did a phenomenal job for me and in an expeditious manner. I’ve recommend countless clients to Chad Schomburg, Wow!!! Outstanding customer service from the Schomburg office:)

    Lisa Williamson