Predators target millions of people every year through fraudulent behavior and scams that intend to steal money from innocent people. Unfortunately, many scams target the vulnerable in society, such as the elderly or financially burdened. Some scams are so slick that they are able to fool even the most intelligent, on-guard, and cautious person. Internet scams have opened a new realm of security concerns but let’s face it; those who are looking to steal your money will use a variety of techniques and tools to try and fool you.
Visit USA.Gov for how to spot Common Consumer Scams and Fraud:
New Scam targets bankruptcy filers across the United States
Recently, phone scammers have targeted bankruptcy filers using software that is so sophisticated it even fools caller id. Often the calls are made outside of business hours so that the victim cannot call their attorney to verify legitimacy. The bankruptcy phone scam in the news this week claims to know personal information about the bankruptcy filing and sometimes poses as an attorney asking for money to satisfy a debt.
The attorneys at Debt Advisors Law Offices in Wisconsin are doing their part to inform the community of this real financial threat. Be on alert and fully aware that a scam could show up on your doorstep, potentially come through the mail, internet email, texting, phone calls, or delivered through the U.S. Mail. In addition, “under no circumstances” would they phone a client to request personal information over the phone, nor would they threaten legal action if money isn’t wired to resolve an unpaid debt.
Report a scam complaint
Report scamming or other fraudulent activities to your local law enforcement. An excellent resource for determining the appropriate federal agency to report cases or complaints can be found at STOPFRAUD.GOV. The Federal Trade Commission website can also be referenced regarding phone scams in particular.
If you’ve been scammed or are worried about potential scams, especially those related to debt or finances, there are resources available to help you. You can find useful information on how to deal with and pay off debt balances here. Also, take a look at our Wisconsin bankruptcy blog for more advice on handling financial difficulties. In these times of the pandemic, being extra cautious about scams is crucial; read our tips on financial protection during the pandemic. Remember, we’re here to help you navigate through these tough times, and you can always reach out to us here.
Learn about bankruptcy protections, types of bankruptcy, how to get started, what to expect, and who to trust. Filing bankruptcy is the ONLY way to completely eliminate debt. If bankruptcy is right for you, it offers powerful protections that cannot be achieved through alternative solutions such as hardship relief, loans, or debt settlement.