Unless you receive money from the government yourself, such as social security benefits, you may not realize how often mistakes are made. Sometimes people are overpaid by the government. If this happens to you, it’s just a matter of time before the government comes back to collect those funds. When you’re living on social security benefits, and your expected to pay back large sums of money you didn’t expect to have to pay, this can cause a real hardship on you and your family.

In Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debt you owe to the Social Security Administration, (SSA), may be wiped clean.  If you received a large amount of money from a social security overpayment and can’t pay it back; contact a Debt Advisors bankruptcy attorney for more information.

Social Security Payment Mistakes can Be Discharged in Bankruptcy

The Social Security Act was signed into law back in 1935. The purpose of Social Security has always been to provide benefits to those in need.  This includes income benefits to the disabled and retired citizens over the age of 65. For these people, it is nearly impossible to repay Social Security debt because they have no way of working for it. If the Social Security Administration makes a mistake, it will want you to reimburse them, regardless of your age or disabilities.

Reasons Why Social Security Overpayments Happen

Social Security overpayments are usually due to changes in the beneficiary’s status that changes the amount of benefits due.  The change in status can result in losing eligibility for disability benefits altogether. However, payments may keep coming for a period of time.  People are mostly unaware that they are being overpaid.  You can imagine that they are pretty shocked when they receive a letter from the Social Security Administration, demanding repayment.  The amounts vary from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

Even if the overpayment mistake was not your fault, you have to prove to the SSA that paying back the debt would create a financial hardship.  It is more likely that you’ll have to pay this money back.  Either dip into your savings account, make payments, or do nothing and they’ll stop sending checks until the amount has been reimbursed in full.   If these aren’t realistic options for you there is another saving grace; that is to file bankruptcy.

Social Security Overpayments Discharged in Bankruptcy
Yes, you can wipe out debt, including a Social Security overpayment by filing bankruptcy.  Make an appointment with Debt Advisors Law Offices for a free bankruptcy consultation. During this consultation, which you can schedule at our Kenosha office, you’ll learn more about whether or not bankruptcy may be the best option for you. In that discussion, you’ll learn more about whether or not bankruptcy may be the best option for you.

While many misconceptions surround the realm of personal bankruptcy, it’s essential to note that several avenues can be beneficial for individuals. For instance, gaining knowledge about credit counseling can offer insights into managing debts effectively. Unfortunately, bankruptcy myths deter many from exploring these options, keeping them in financial strife. It’s essential to debunk such myths and understand the benefits, especially for groups like senior citizens. The team at Debt Advisors aims to provide clarity on such issues, ensuring everyone understands their rights and available solutions.

Learn about bankruptcy protections, types of bankruptcy, how to get started, what to expect, and who to trust. Filing bankruptcy is the ONLY way to completely eliminate debt. If bankruptcy is right for you, it offers powerful protections that cannot be achieved through alternative solutions such as hardship relief, loans, or debt settlement.

  • Exceptional service. The entire team was friendly and knowledgeable. The attorney took his time to walk me through step by step. I will recommend this law office to anyone!

    J Burks

  • I went through Debt Advisors as a referral by a friend. I am very happy I did so. The staff that I worked with were very helpful and showed a high level of professionalism. They were always able to answer any questions that I had. I was very happy with the attorney that I worked with, Michael Georg. Very professional.

    Terri Grote

  • Attorney Chad Schomburg and Debt Advisors helped me with my debt about three years ago. Chad explained the process to me and answered any questions I had, and the assistants compiled my documentation very efficiently while keeping my case moving forward. They were always available when I needed them, and even years later, I’m able to reach out to them, and they are willing to help. They have turned my life around 100%, and I could not have done it without them! Absolutely recommended!

    Tim Harris

  • They were there for my family from day 1 until the end, 5 years later (Ch. 13). Whenever I had questions or concerns they were always very responsive and gave me excellent advice. Michael and Jeremy are both exceptional bankruptcy attorneys. I highly recommend Debt Advisors.


  • After I had to go on disability, I used my credit cards a lot more thinking I could pay them off when I was able to go back to work. That didn’t happen and I found myself so much worse off than I could handle. I went to Debt Advisors feeling terrible about what I had to do. Chad and everyone there were very understanding and put my mind at ease while taking such great care of me. They were there every step of the way and supported me when I was “freaking out”!! Every time I needed to contact them; their response time was amazing!! God forbid I ever need to go through this again, but I know where to turn if I need help! Debt Advisors are more than just filing bankruptcy on my behalf. They really care about what you are going through!! Thank you, Chad, Jeremy, Mike, and everyone at Debt Advisors!! I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate all of you!! J Hammond


  • After I had to go on disability, I used my credit cards a lot more thinking I could pay them off when I was able to go back to work. That didn’t happen and I found myself so much worse off than I could handle. I went to Debt Advisors feeling terrible about what I had to do. Chad and everyone there were very understanding and put my mind at ease while taking such great care of me. They were there every step of the way and supported me when I was “freaking out”!! Every time I needed to contact them; their response time was amazing!! God forbid I ever need to go through this again, but I know where to turn if I need help! Debt Advisors are more than just filing bankruptcy on my behalf. They really care about what you are going through!! Thank you, Chad, Jeremy, Mike, and everyone at Debt Advisors!! I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate all of you!! J Hammond

    J Hammond

  • Chad Schomburg and his Staff did a phenomenal job for me and in an expeditious manner. I’ve recommend countless clients to Chad Schomburg, Wow!!! Outstanding customer service from the Schomburg office:)

    Lisa Williamson