Credit repair is possible for anyone who wants to improve it. Why would you want to? Because lenders, landlords, and even potential employers use credit scores as a way to measure trustworthiness and responsibility. A higher credit score will have a positive impact on your quality of life. This is because it will allow you to obtain the best lending rates available.
When folks struggle with bills, credit cards, mortgages and other types of loans – credit scores will be impacted. The good news is that there is a way to rebuild credit ratings after filing bankruptcy, or any time it is needed. For some, bankruptcy is the solution. Once debts are cleared, it will be possible to rebuild credit. For those who don’t benefit from filing bankruptcy, Debt Advisors Law Offices offers an affordable non-bankruptcy option to repair credit called the 720 Credit Score Program
Where Do You Fall On The Credit Rating System?
To understand more about the credit rating system and where you may stand currently – anyone can go to There are valuable resources on the site including the ability to get a free credit report. Each person is entitled to one free report each year. Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion are the three national consumer reporting agencies. You should be able to request a free report from each of the agencies as well. If problems are found dispute credit report findings
When a client contacts Debt Advisors Law Offices, their credit scores are typically very low. Therefore, it may be safe to assume that your reading this site because you are struggling with your own credit score. Let’s make one thing very clear…you are not alone in this struggle. Often times, low credit scores are due to a combination of situations or life events that could not be controlled. Life can throw a series of curve-balls that lead to overwhelming debt problems such as the loss of a job, an accident, or serious medical diagnosis. You may benefit from credit counseling, debt settlement, chapter 7 bankruptcy, chapter 13 bankruptcy, the 720 Credit Score Program, or other services we offer. Start with your free consultationwith one of our attorneys.